One of the better things about the Internet is its ability to allow one to become
whoever or whatever they can't be in reality. The most obvious display of anonymity
is the use of handles, or names that people use instead of their real names. Illusion
is the handle I most commonly use. Thus, Illusion by itself is nothing, its the person
behind Illusion that is important.
So who is the person behind Illusion?
A man whose name is Jonathan Bryant. For more information concerning him, check
out his short biography. For biographical information concerning Illusion check here.
As far as hobbies go, computers are probably at the top of this list. I probably should've majored in
Computer Science in college, but there are too many techno junkies out there all ready. My worst hobby is mudding, tho many might call it
an addiction. I probably won't get to do this much longer, so I'm trying to get in as much as possible while I can. If you can't get find me, you
might want to check Stick in the Mud, which is the only mud I bother to play anymore. I'm working on a Player's guide which can be accessed through
here. Besides computers, I enjoy:
If you know me, then you know that my favorite person in the world is my wife. We met our Junior year in college, and we've been best
friends ever since. She is currently teaching Music at a Elementary School, and has been for 3 years now!! So does love exist? Most definately.